Member-only story
I have never earned $1 on Medium.
Everyday I struggle with writing here on Medium. It’s not about the money (though it’s important) but I’m not getting the views and engagement that I thought I would have.
I ask myself every time if it’s worth it. But I keep at it because It’s something that I love doing.
I have been writing here on Medium since 2023. I hope this year will be my year.
Then I come across those who write about their earnings here and I wonder what they are doing that I’m not doing right.
I am putting this here for future sake like a public diary to remember days when I want to quit but I didn’t.
I hope I look back on this article in the future and just laugh. I hope not quiting would be a great decision.
What is your thoughts about this? Is there somethings that I can do to help my articles reach the right audience?
Thanks for reading.